Penelope Hawthorne
♀ She / Her
🜲 27
5ft 7in
Holstein Friesian Cow
You may see Penny being paired with a few of my partners ocs - however story wise she is in a relationship with Tobi!You might see her smooching Pan, because thats my partners main sona and we love each other :3
Penny is quite shy at first, but it doesn’t take long to discover she is a bubbly yapper! Some would find her outspoken, but she just holds her morals quite close - nothing extreme, she just doesn’t like to see others upset or being mistreated.She’s flirty, but her heart lies with her partner, Tobi!Penny enjoys a night out here and there, but her true comfort comes from getting cozied up somewhere peaceful, smoking something good and relaxing - alone or with others!She is a very anxious creature, and her boldness only comes after much deliberation and plucking up her confidence!She is likely to speak her mind, not matter how strange, goofy or unusual it may be.
Can I comission NSFW featuring Penny with my OC?
If it’s a sex act together, it’s likely a no! However I’m open to solo but together nsfw settings! (Two couples in the same room, being watched, mutual activities etc!)
Can I comission SFW featuring Penny with my OC?
Ofcourse! If we're friends I'd be happy to split comissions like this!
Can I draw Penny?
I would love that! Please ask me first if it is NSFW please follow my rules above for NSFW commissions!
Can I write about Penny?
This is reserved for friends! Penny is a very outwardly NSFW character, and I don't want this to be misconstrued in written / longer form media. This is for trusted friends who I feel grasp her personality!